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Welcome to Mohamed Shahin's Music Store

Thank you for your support, more than ever, independent artists like myself work incredibly hard with tenacity, passion and entrepreneurship, to create works of are to feed your desire for musical diversity, when you buy from us you own part of our creative energy and not the format of a huge corporation.

*Order any of Mohamed Shahin’s CD’s & DVD’s either physical or downloads!
If you purchase the actual CD/DVD we will mail it to your address, or if you purchase download in digital format, that you will be able to download as soon as you make the purchase. Please download the files as soon as you receive the files, as the link will be expired in 10 days. All fees; Pay Pal and shipping costs are included in the final price.

The Newest Music Album 2023


Stay Tuned For the Release Date

July 1, 2023, at Cleopatra Fest Opening Gala Show

Mohamed Shahin's Music Albums

Mohamed Shahin's Instructional DVD's